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Small Live Fish Like - 1- TETRA 2- GUPPY - MOLLY 4- DANIO 5- PLATY 6- BARB 7- GOURAMI 8- CORYDORAS etc.. Small Aquarium Fish Species For Aquarium Sale Online In India.
Before mixing new fish species, do your research thoroughly in order to make sure the environmental parameters match and they have the same compatibility. All new fish should be quarantined in a separate tank with separate equipment for 4 to 6 weeks to prevent the spread of disease.
Types Of Tetra Fish Like:- Black Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Neon Tetra Fish, Green Neon Tetra, Flame Tetra, Blue Tetra, Ruby Tetra, Rainbow Tetra, Ember Tetra, Lemon Tetra, Diamond Tetra, Emperor Tetra, Congo Tetra, Bloodfin Tetra, Rummy Nose Tetra, Buenos Aires Tetra, Penguin Tetra Etc... In India
Cory are beloved by all who have owned them. Virtually all Cory species should be kept in schools; stories of single Corys pining away from loneliness are not uncommon. Corys should be kept only with small to medium-sized peaceful fish. Some Cory Catfish Like;- Albino, Panda, Julii Etc.. In India
Danio fish are probably among the most popular fish pet choices across inexperienced aquarium keepers. They are small and require not much living space, but they are also super-hardy and easily adaptable to cooler water temperatures. Some Danio Fish Like;- Zebra Danio, Glow light Danio Etc.. In India
You may have heard it before that guppies are characterized by variety when it comes to patterns, colors and the shape of their tails. This translates into a multitude of guppy types that you can enjoy in your aquarium. There are several features that can set each type of guppy apart, making them a versatile and colorful species. In this article, I’ve gathered 50+ guppy varieties, if you’re curious to learn more about the various types of guppies that have emerged on the market as a result of selective breeding. Mind you, this list is not exhaustive, so don’t hesitate to let me know if I missed anything, especially that breeders are constantly coming up with new varieties.. Some Guppy Fish Like;- Fancy Guppy, Veiltail Guppy, Black, White, Red Guppy Etc... In India
Betta usually grows to a length of about 6–8 cm (2.4–3.1 in).[18] Although Betta aquarium specimens are widely known for their brilliant colors and large, flowing fins, the natural coloration of B. splendens is generally green, brown and grey, while the fins are short; wild fish exhibit strong colors only when agitated. In captivity, Siamese fighting fish have been selectively bred to display a vibrant array of color and tail types. Some Betta Fish Like;- Fancy Betta, Black, White, Red Guppy Etc... In India
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